
Lexington, KY, Home Birth

Birth is such a connecting experience. When we decided to have a VBAC homebirth, we knew we would need a supportive environment. From the moment we met Meagan Thompson of About Birth, I knew she would have a special place in our birth. Through all our prenatal visits, she took time to prepare us practically for birth but she also spent just as much time helping us get emotionally prepared as well. At one of our last meetings before our son was born, Meagan casually remarked "I just have a really good feeling about this birth." While many around us were speaking doubt and fear about the birth, her words rang of not only ability, but excitement! The phrase she spoke even became my mantra during the hardest parts of the birth. It was exactly what I needed to hear. The night I went into labor, we learned the true power of love and sacrifice that a skilled doula like Meagan brings to the birthing team. She did counterpressure FOR HOURS, and gently reminded my husband to take breaks for himself. Etched in my mind forever will be when in the midst of my transition, I squeaked out "I feel like I'm not managing my pain well." Meagan quickly remarked "You could have fooled me!" and my laugh and her belief in me changed the entire dynamic from desperation to ability. She was there for it all, active, involved and inventive, she fought right alongside us. One of my favorite memories was seeing her beaming after our son was born, she was as proud as us! THAT to me is what a doula does and is. Meagan was so invested in our desire for our birth, she became like family. We had no idea when we hired her, the lasting impact she would have on one of the most important nights of our lives, but I know it was successful AND beautiful, because she was a part of it. Meagan is such a wonderful gift to the local birthing community and I wish everyone could experience her presence at their birth!


Lexington, KY, Hospital Birth

How can I even put into words how amazing Meagan is? As a birthworker myself, I've witnessed Meagan support clients for hours and hours without letting it affect the quality of her work. She understands that birth is unpredictable and is with you for the long haul. Meagan UNDERSTANDS birth. Having her in my own birth space was such a comfort to me. I believe that her unwavering and loving support was a huge contributor to my getting my VBAC. During our prenatal appointments she helped me consider things I would never have thought of so I would be as prepared for my birth as possible. She wasn't afraid to talk about uncomfortable things and supported my decisions, no matter what. I knew she had my back. Meagan is worth her weight in gold and MORE! If you're fortunate enough to have her on your birth team, you will NOT regret it. <3


Lexington, KY, Hospital Birth

I did not have the pregnancy or birth I imagined I would. In fact, it was about the furthest from anything I imagined. I thought I would have a natural home birth after a low risk pregnancy, and instead I had a very high risk pregnancy that ended in a hospital induction with an epidural. Having Meagan by my side made all of that not just okay, but a birth experience I couldn’t have been happier about. I tell everyone my birth went perfectly, and I really feel like I owe that all to Meagan. 

My pregnancy was incredibly stressful. Literally every single prenatal appointment ended in some kind of escalation in care. The stress of the first couple escalations solidified for me that I needed a doula, and I knew Meagan was the right choice immediately after meeting her. I called her every time someone escalated my care, and she was there to hear me. She told me every time, without fail, “I have your back.” It was only because of Meagan that I felt like I could walk into the hospital and deliver my baby safely. 

My biggest fear about birth was that I would be forced into interventions without my consent. I agonized over this for months, but the second Meagan showed up to my induction, I completely relaxed. I didn’t have to think about that. She had my back. My only job was to birth this baby. I ended up opting for an epidural, and Meagan fully supported my choice. I never felt shame in that decision, and I feel I can also thank her for that. In the end, I welcomed my son into a quiet, peaceful, and gently lit hospital room (courtesy of Meagan’s fairy lights). It was truly perfect. 

Thank you, Meagan, for having my back and helping me welcome my son in the best way for me.


Lexington, KY, Hospital Birth

Throughout the first two trimesters of my pregnancy, I was very focused on my health and my baby’s health, but I gave very little thought to the actual birthing process. I assumed I would just show up at the hospital when I was in labor, get an epidural, and pop out a baby. Then, a couple months before my baby was due, I spoke to some friends who had non-medicated births attended by a doula, and it made me start thinking about what my delivery could look like.

I did some research into doulas and unmedicated births, and I came to the conclusion that I wanted both. After asking around, I found my way to Meagan (she was recommended by my provider) and decided to give this whole doula thing a try.

Before birth Meagan met with my husband and me to go through my birth plan and discuss how best she could support me through labor. She provided us with resources about different options for birth and medical decision-making both leading up to and during labor. She was also available 24/7 if I had questions. I checked in with her after all my OB/midwife appointments and she helped me make some very tough decisions. The information she provided my husband helped him be a more active participant in my pregnancy and an amazing birth partner.

In the hospital Meagan advocated for us with the nursing staff so my husband and I could focus on my comfort. She guided me through different positions to help get my baby to drop and engage, to speed up labor when it felt like things might be stalling, and for pushing. She also assisted us in making important medical decisions throughout my labor. 

Meagan was a calm and encouraging presence throughout my pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and she gave me the confidence I needed to have an unmedicated birth with Pitocin--which I honestly did not think was possible. My birth experience was incredibly positive and empowering, and I would highly recommend Meagan to everyone!


Lexington, KY, Hospital Birth

Meagan was an integral part in making the birth of our son truly healing and beautiful. Coming to this birth with painful memories of prior pregnancy losses, Meagan approached these tender places in our family life with great love, understanding, and compassion. I asked her to help us have a memory of this birth that was beautiful, and she did just that. Before birth, she kept in touch regularly to encourage and help talk me through pre-labor anxieties. She made our room dim, quiet, and full of twinkle lights, offered tremendous physical support, and was unbelievably patient through a 44-hour labor. Even though she would have been well within her rights per our contract to have called for a backup doula after many hours at the hospital, she slept two nights there with us—we couldn’t believe how faithful and heroically patient she was! She brought a reverence for the process of birth into our space that helped me to receive everything that it entailed (pain, many changed plans, little progress, an unanticipated epidural) with acceptance and love, in a way that was truly healing, both in those moments and as I processed them in the months that followed. She has a great quiet love for persons giving birth and we were so grateful to draw strength from that! She has our infinite thanks.


Lexington, KY, Hospital Birth

My decision to hire a doula was based in both fact and feeling: I knew the evidence on the impact doulas can have on the birth experience, especially the unmedicated one I desired. I also knew in my gut that, as first time parents, we'd benefit from a doula's personalized support.  

So, it was perfect that Meagan's approach to supporting families is rooted in fact and feeling. Throughout my pregnancy, she was always available with evidence-based responses to our many questions accompanied by a comforting word. She incorporates data, technology, and training with instinct and intuition. 

Once you meet Meagan, you quickly feel like you've known her a long time. She puts you at ease and brings a calm, confident energy to a stress-filled experience. We relied on her to help us understand what is normal in pregnancy and birth, to prepare birth wishes, and to ask good questions of my physicians. And the fact that Meagan has positive and ongoing relationships with her clients' doctors, midwives, and nurses speaks volumes. 

During labor itself, Meagan answered my questions and offered advice as labor progressed. She also frequently anticipated my needs. When my focus turned inward or I couldn't muster the words to make a request, Meagan would quietly step in with a hip squeeze or to offer a sip of water at just the right time. 

Of all the advice and encouragement Meagan offered throughout our partnership, the most profound thing she said to me came after our daughter was born - she said that she considers herself my "doula for life." Those simple words meant so much as they welcomed me into this new sisterhood of motherhood. I'm grateful that Meagan remains in both my network of support as a new parent and in the happy memories of the day our lives changed forever.


Lexington, KY, Hospital Birth

When my husband and I made the decision to give birth at a hospital, we knew we wanted some extra help and support. Our very first meeting with Meagan, she immediately made us feel so much more comfortable and confident and we were already so glad that we had all decided to work together. Meagan helped us with a lot of clarity and preparation throughout the second half of my pregnancy and made us feel so much more confident about our choices, concerns, and questions going into birth. Thanks to her, we ended up switching to a fantastic midwife clinic in town where I got wonderful care.

I’m a testimony to births not always working out the way we plan for them. I had planned for a natural birth, but after several complications, I ended up induced at 34 weeks for severe pre-eclampsia. But Meagan was with us every step of the way. She was my first call or text after my husband when I left each appointment and was a constant support and encouragement through all my anxiety and fear. During the long induction process she was often on the phone with us helping us made tough decisions about how to move forward. She arrived at the hospital as I was getting prepped for an emergent csection and was able to be in the OR and with us all the way through recovery. My husband really appreciated Meagan’s presence there for him while my midwife was taking care of me. Following the surgery, Meagan checked in on us often to see how we were doing and continues to support us and celebrate our boy even a year after!

While our birth story wasn’t exactly typical and wasn’t what we imagined, we are so grateful for Meagan and we sincerely don’t know how we would have made it through without her unfailing support. Doulas are not just for home births and not just for vaginal births. Not just for hip squeezes and hands-on labor support. I’m sure Meagan does all that very well, but Meagan will be there for you - whatever happens - to encourage, educate, advocate, and support. I can’t recommend Meagan enough, and we are so grateful that she has been part of our story!


stanford, ky, hospital birth

Everyone told me “Oh, you don't need a doula” and I’m so glad I didn’t listen to them!! Meagan was an amazing comfort to have building up to labor and delivery, and absolutely INDISPENSABLE on the big day! We had a very tricky delivery in store for us with my little girl being Frank breech; my doctor wanted me to be up and moving around for most the labor to get baby in the right position, which meant no epidural. Meagan was EXCELLENT support for me and my husband!! She had a wonderful comprehension of what I needed every step of the way, whether it was words of wisdom on how to breath and focus or her utilization of natural physical methods to help ground me during my contractions. I know that I wouldn’t have had the same beautiful birth experience without Meagan by our side. She was there every step of the way, through the moments of doubt and relief, and we’re so grateful to have had her as a partner in welcoming our daughter earth side.  


Danville, KY, Hospital Birth

When my husband and I had our initial meeting with Meagan, I knew immediately that she was the doula I was looking for. Her calm, open demeanor made us feel at ease. Meagan’s commitment to serving all people, regardless of race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation and gender expression was particularly welcoming to me as a woman of color in an interracial relationship.

When the big day came, Meagan met us at our home and accompanied us to the hospital. She was sensitive to having my preferences in the birth plan respected by the hospital staff and wanted to ensure that was I comfortable; for example, instead of having to get into the bed while being temporarily hooked up to the fetal monitor, Meagan asked the nurse if I could remain on the birthing ball, which I was allowed to do. She suggested that my husband and I create a playlist of relaxing music, and she brought twinkle lights to create a calming atmosphere and used aromatherapy massage oil on me for a soothing touch. Every time I had a contraction, she pushed my hips together, which enormously helped to manage the pain and instructed me to vocalize with a low hum, which prevented me from tensing up. She made sure I was hydrated by constantly bringing me water between contractions. These are just a few examples of small things Meagan performed or instructed which made a big difference.

In the end, I feel that Meagan went above and beyond. When the time came to push, she took some amazing pictures with my husband’s phone. She captured moments that we will always look back on and treasure. The doctor who delivered our son later told me that Meagan was the best doula she had ever worked with.

I had a goal of having a low-intervention, non-medicated birth, and Meagan was integral to that goal being met.


Lexington, KY, Home Birth


My husband and I had planned a homebirth for the birth of our first child. Our midwife required that we hire a doula since this was our first birth. We were both hesitant to this due to the added cost and that we were using the Bradley Method of Husband Coached Childbirth. Since my husband was going to be my coach, we did not want a doula to interfere with our practiced method. We could not have been more wrong!! Meagan ended up being the most amazing and supportave person at our birth and I can honestly say I do not think we could have done it without her. My labor ended up lasting 43 hours (30 hours of active labor). My baby was posterior so I had the most terrible back labor imaginable. Meagan was instrumental in calming and supporting not just me but my husband too. She stayed with us the entire time, using endless methods to try to flip the baby, massaging me, placing a heating pad on my back, and making sure both my husband and I were hydrated and nourished. If she had not been there, our succesful homebirth may easily have turned into a hospital c-section. I cannot recommend Meagan highly enough. Not only is she amazing at what she does, but she's an amazing person too.


Stamping Ground, KY, Home Birth

When we began discussing having a doula for our home birth, I imagined that person keeping my husband calm and focused, but in reality, Meagan ended up being my rock.

My labor progressed very quickly, and Meagan, her instincts telling her my time was near, was ready when we called. She immediately went to work, massaging my back, feet and legs and applying counterpressure during contractions. My midwife had not arrived when I was ready to birth my baby, and she noticed the cues and immediately got the midwife on the phone, who gave her instructions on how to stall my labor. The wait was painful, but Meagan stood by my side.

She continued offering calm support when the midwife arrived and it was time to push the baby out. My daughter was born not breathing. As the midwife worked to resuscitate the baby, Meagan called 911, and then she stayed to care for me as the midwife and EMTs helped my daughter.

At the hospital, Meagan was my comfort when my husband accompanied our daughter to the NICU. She brushed my wet, messy hair; helped clean the blood off my body; and found me food to eat. That night, when my husband returned home to gather our things, she slept on a crummy hospital couch beside me so I wouldn't be alone. She continued to check in on us throughout the duration of our hospital stay and when we were finally able to take our baby home.

We've been impressed not only with Meagan's professionalism, but her quiet, calm steadfastness and her willingness to go above and beyond. At my most vulnerable, she offered me the kindest, most precious gift of her compassion and unfailing care. She provided us the support we needed at times we didn't even know to ask. We took a leap of faith asking Meagan, a new doula, to attend the home birth of our first child, but in the end, we would not have made any other choice. We not only found ourselves a doula, but through the trauma of an unpredicatble birth, we found a friend.